The entire Universe is governed by The Laws of the Universe.
Our actions should be organized according to priority. This concept bridges together many of the Laws of creating wealth. It relates to our time, skill, resources, and most importantly, our potential reward.
Focus on your high pay-off activities and delegate the rest of your responsibilities to someone else more appropriate. You will never "out grow" your present situation if you continue to perform all the routine tasks at that level. If you have a problem letting go of these tasks, remember the 80/20 rule. Seek excellence, not perfection.
If you can earn $100 an hour in sales for every hour worked, why are you mowing your lawn when someone will do that for $20? Wouldn’t you be better off investing an hour in your business? To quote Goethe: "Things that matter most should never be at the mercy of things that matter least."
Decide what you want. Make a list, and write it down. Prioritize it. Most important, be about it.
The Universe and everything in it constitutes God. The universe is a gigantic human organism and man is a tiny image of it, a toy replica of God. A man can mystically expand extend his own being to cover the entire world and subject to its will.
Countless centuries ago, when Greece was considered the epitome of philosophy and civilisation 'Gnothe Seuton' were inscribed in large letters over the entrance to the Athenian Temple. This literally means 'Know Thyself'.
This is first step towards controlling your destiny. The power of thought is possibly the greatest gift given to man. Miracles can be performed by the sheer power of thought alone. A powerful and decisive thought can change your life.
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The entire Universe is governed by The Laws of the Universe. Write to us to know more about The Laws of Universe