The entire Universe is governed by The Laws of the Universe.
The simplest definition of telepathy can be stated as direct communication between minds.
The transmission of feeling , those feelings will be usually registered in the solar plexus. This kind of telepathy is very common among humans , animals and vegetables .
The transmission of emotions and images . This kind of telepathy is also common among humans. I had to do an exercise which was to note every coincidence that could indicate manifestation of telepathy in a single day I noted 6 coincidences or synchronicity phenomena as would have say the psychologist Carl Jung.
In telepathy there is no thought transference consider this the universe is composed of the same substance. The universe is the substance[1]. This is a simple explanation of why telepathy exist and why mass telepathy exist as well. In fact a lot of telepathy occur en masse each organization, corporation , city , town, village have its unique mental atmosphere conditioned by the thought of its inhabitants . You may feel more comfortable in a particular city than your own city then may be you are more compatible with the mental atmosphere of the other city. As we are all connected together telepathy affect us all . Those influence may affect you positively or negatively it all depends on your telepathic sensitivity.
In order to achieve a level of telepathic skill the student must learn to control his feeling in a way to allows the student to let circulate the energy freely between his or her centers (the solar plexus, the heart and the crown chakras are the centers for telepathic communication). It's difficult to achieve mental clarity when the mind is under heavy feeling and emotions. The student must become an observer how can you sense someone else thought or feeling if you don't even listen to your own emotions.
You have also to consider that thought are magnetic concretely like attract like. Sad people attract similar minded people. A certain discipline will be beneficial for the student.
Now you may ask , what to do with telepathy ? When you consider that telepathic communication is constant. Telepathy becomes an useful to know what peoples are thinking or feeling about you, recognize precognitive material or intuition, send positive message to you (your subconscious) and to others. At a subconscious level people are aware of what you think about them and they treat you accordingly. It's better then to keep positive image of other people. To learn more a list of resources is listed in the bottom of this page. I hope that I aroused your curiosity and that you will take time to explore this ability that we all have to some degree or another.
to learn telepathy one needs to indentify the type most suitable to ones own abilities
Get 5 different coloured objects ready (the same object but 5 different colours, e.g. coloured pens, rubber bands, sweets, sheets of paper, etc.)
Be present in this moment
Center yourself
Feel yourself to be truly "here" and "now" present
Still your mind
Do not think of any other place. Do not think of the past or the future
Do not think of anything (this is the hardest part of learn telepathy, to still the mind - meditation can be a good telepathy exercise in preparation for transmitting telepathic signals)
Sit down with another person
Choose one person to "send" and the other to "receive".
The person who sends (Sender) chooses a color in their mind.
Sender then 'send' this color to the mind of the other person beginning the sending by speaking the word "begin"
Receiver then tries to connect with senders mind to see if they can pick up what is being telepathically sent
The receiver might then say a colour - maybe red
Sender then says one of two things "yes" if the colour was correct and then choose another and says "begin" to send another colour or the same one again.
If the correct colour was not picked up by the receiver the sender simply says "no" and keeps transmitting the same colour thereby the receiver keeps trying to read the transmitted colour..
Start with doing this exercise for five minutes increasing it to ten minutes when comfortable
Take a break and then complete the same telepathy exercises with the roles of sender and receiver reversed.
You will need a pack of playing cards a sheet of paper and a pencil for scoresheet
Sit down back to back with another person , the receivers back faces the senders back
Sender shuffles the pack of cards and lifts up the top card looking at it
Sender then "tap's the card" signaling the beginning of transmission
Sender then mentally 'send' the color red or black depending on the colour of the card to the mind of the other person
Receiver then tries to connect with senders mind to see if they can pick up what is being telepathically send
There are several ways of "sending" magine the word red or the word black when you close your eyes, or think of a red or black object, i.e. imagine a red fireengine, a red flower, a red carpet or a black Porsche, black soot, black dustbin Esc
The receiver then calls out the caller that he or she thinks the card is.
The sender places a tick (for a correct answer) or a cross (for a wrong one) on the scoresheet TELEPATHY SENSE, TELEPATHIC EXERCISES, TELEPATHIC, TELEPATHY.
There are 52 cards in a playing card pack.
According to the Law of chance a score of 26 correct answers is predicted
The receiver who scores consistently higher then the average 50150 score is undoubtedly making use of some kind of telepathic power.
The Universe and everything in it constitutes God. The universe is a gigantic human organism and man is a tiny image of it, a toy replica of God. A man can mystically expand extend his own being to cover the entire world and subject to its will.
Countless centuries ago, when Greece was considered the epitome of philosophy and civilisation 'Gnothe Seuton' were inscribed in large letters over the entrance to the Athenian Temple. This literally means 'Know Thyself'.
This is first step towards controlling your destiny. The power of thought is possibly the greatest gift given to man. Miracles can be performed by the sheer power of thought alone. A powerful and decisive thought can change your life.
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The entire Universe is governed by The Laws of the Universe. Write to us to know more about The Laws of Universe