The entire Universe is governed by the Laws of the Universe.
One of the major areas of teaching within the Perennial Tradition 1 is advanced instruction in how to understand, preserve, and use spiritual energy in self-transformation. The Perennial Tradition instructs in the esoteric application of higher configurations of energy possessing greater harmony, understanding, or power to improve and transmute lower energy fields--either locally or at a distance. Perennialist teachers use their advanced, more harmonized energy fields to assist in the development and transformation of the general populace and initiates.
Contemporary scientists have come to the same conclusion as the Perennialist seers that the basic element of Reality is consciousness manifested as energy. Physical energy is studied and described as particle and waves, since neither aspect is accurate by itself.
"Throughout mankind's cultural history there has existed the metaphysical concept that man and cosmos are interconnected by a ubiquitous, all-pervasive sea of energy that undergirds, and is manifest in, all phenomena. This pre-scientific concept of a cosmic energy goes by many names in many traditions, such as ch'i, ki or qi (Taoism), prana (yoga), mana (Kahuna), barakah (Sufi), elan vital (Bergsonian metaphysics), and so forth."
Nikola Tesla observed that the universe is a sea of energy. Today Physicists know that matter is a form of energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Energy comprises 98% of the Universe and matter only 2%. "Every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe."
In sub-atomic physics, elemental reality is conceived of not as "things" but as foci of energy. Specific energy fields, manifesting through individual frequencies, assume distinct forms. All objects in our empirical world, then, are composed of energy frequencies, which when arrested, manifest through forms.
We live in a universe of spiritual, psychic, and physical energy by virtue of which all living things exist through their ability to transmute this universal energy into something individual.
We become endowed with the ability to transmit our own energy field, our individual unit of power. Humans are energy transformers; we are alive and developing in proportion to how much of this universal energy we accept and how freely it flows through us. The better we transmit this energy or allow it to flow through us, the higher grade we occupy; the more alive and contented and effective we become.
Frederic W. H. Myers, an earlier investigator of spiritual and psychic energy, conceived of the subliminal self as being in touch with a realm of spiritual forces from which it is able to draw energy to infuse into the human mind, ordinarily in limited quantities, but, in altered states, in great floods, which elevate the mental operations and powers to exceptionally high levels. Myers viewed the brain as being at a comparatively early stage in its evolution as an instrument through which the higher self operates in the material world. He conceived of the subliminal self as that part of the Higher Self (soul) which remains unexpressed in our conscious and organic life. The subliminal self surpasses the supraliminal (above the threshold of consciousness) or ordinary conscious self in its range of spiritual and psychic powers.
Our personal energy convergence point is a center of reception and radiation at the same time. The energy waves from the One Quintessence sustain us and are manifested in our separate frequency transmission. Our individual essence maintains itself by passing Higher Energy pulsations through it. The instant when the Higher Energy flows through us is our moment of absolute unity with divinity. The individual power which occasions the flow through of Higher Energy is composed of the sureness of our belief in the existence of this greater force.
The universe is a web of energy conveying life force through its emanations. All entities within this network receive and transmit energy through radiations. A unitive experience of spiritual, psychic, and physical energy occurs as a direct response to the impelling force we create within ourselves. Whatever integration we achieve results in the issuing forth of energy from a higher dimension in direct proportion to our self-invigoration. We receive and transmit spiritual, psychic, and physical enery in direct proportion to our developing intellectual and spiritual capability. We learn to tune ourselves with the universal energy frequency, experiencing spiritual and psychic entrainment.
All living organisms rely on an external sources of energy--radiation from the sun in the case of green plants; chemical energy in some form in the case of animals--to be able to grow and reproduce. The energy we transmit of the Higher Force calls its complement into our being. Emanations of Higher Energy become available to transform our lives, recharging and repairing our own systems. Energy upheavals shift us out of destructive habits, encouraging us to relearn integrative ways of being.
There are centers of energy physically and spiritually associated with various parts of our bodies, called chakras. When kundalini energy moves through the various chakras, our consciousness necessarily changes with it. Each chakra is said to correspond to a specific mantra (sound) and geometric pattern (yantra). Through meditation on these chakras it is claimed that we can gain mastery over our body and each corresponding element.
The original undifferentiated energy from creation is often called Akasha in Indian philosophy and modern occult circles. In the various embodiments of the Perennial Tradition it is termed the Secret Fire. This elemental psychic energy is completely instinctual and unconscious and is heavily influenced by spiritual, psychic, and psychological phenomena. One of the major functions of the Secret Fire is to increase human self-awareness. At the lowest level, this is the ego, at its highest, it is the Higher Self.
In the vast majority of humanity, this Secret Fire, or liberating energy of self-consciousness, is said to lie dormant at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent. By learning to contact the various focal points of energy, what are called the chakras, the person moves her locus of consciousness into the various areas. If the Secret Fire reaches the top of the skull and beyond, spiritual awakening can occur, allowing for a descent and re-ascent of the energy, during which the psychic centers can be awakened, allowing for the manifestation of psychic powers and related phenomena.
The Secret Fire is directly linked to sexual and creative forces in humans. Sexual desire can act as one of the basic evolutionary impulses, along with Higher Intellectual forces. The dormant capability and need for positive orgasmic experiences is biologically and psychically rooted. Sexual experience within the context of genuine love involves experience of spiritual transcendence, foreshadowing ecstatic union. The "little death" or petite morte of the sexual orgasm, is a forerunner of the "big death" as we let go and experience divine oblivion.
Thinkers such as Sigmund Freud 5 and Wilhelm Reich studied psychic energy from a psychological perspective, vieweing it as a complex mental, sexual or libidinous energy in our unconscious. Psychological afflictions were said to be the result of blockage of psychic energy.
According to Freud, all behavior is motivated by the desire to feel pleasure. That motivation is organized and directed by two instincts: sexuality (Eros), and aggression (Thanatos). Freud conceptualized both these instincts as being powered by a form of internal psychic energy that he called the libido. Libido is the pleasure principle, containing basic psychic energy.
Freud believed that humans must subordinate their desire for pleasure--primarily sexual in nature--to the reality principle: the demand to live in conformity with socially concocted dictates, such as the subordination of women and children to a domineering, abusive father. Life thus becomes a joyless compromise with disfunctional rules.
As we've seen, the sexual drive can be used in positive ways within the context of a mature love relationship. In most persons in contemporary society, however, the libidinous drives are thwarted or corrupted, resulting in psychological disorders of one form or another. Freud's psychoanalytic techniques--a silent therapist listening to the free associations and dreams of the patient--was a gigantic fraud, resulting in persons becoming more miserable rather than more functional.
Other psychologists and psychiatrists such as Wilhelm Reich 6 and Erich Fromm saw the absurdity and devastation of counterfeit therapies such as psychoanalysis, and developed new approaches to freeing psychic energy from social and personal obstructions and debasements. These approaches to relieving psychological and spiritual disorders operate entirely within the physical or psychic sphere--not in the spiritual domain.
Just as our current civilization uses various energy forms such as electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves, seers within the Perennial Tradition preserve and use spiritual energy. This more subtle form of energy operates according to specific principles which it is essential to learn and practice. Just as electricity is potentially deadly if handled by a person ignorant of its power, so spiritual energy can be lethal if trifled with by the spiritually illiterate.
Spiritual energy can be directed by concentrated meditation, which is how prayer and spiritual healing work. Perennialist meditation focuses and transmits spiritual energy, directing it to a specific destination for a specific purpose.
Since external and internal energy focal points affect our bodies, minds, and states of consciousness so directly, we must carefully select the inputs we allow into our experience: persons, activities, images, thoughts, feelings, sounds, written material, food, and environmental elements.
Every time we interact with another person, there is an exchange of energy resonance. Extensive interaction with people with negative energy fields may leave us with a tremendous amount of debilitating energy debris.
Unless we learn to recognize negative energy and cleanse our fields of it, we can suffer physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual problems. Fortunately, the opposite is equally true: spending time with positively charged persons and other beneficent phenomena such as music, art, and literature, can bring beneficial and transformative effects.
Our spiritual and psychic energy can be misused or wasted in a number of ways. Negative mental and emotional states allow for leakage of energy at a rapid pace. One of our greatest enemies in this regard is self-importance. We allow ourselves to be weakened by feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of other people. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone.
Appropriate self-regard is certainly an important factor in any healthy conception of oneself, but what we're referring to is what might be called malodorous self-importance or pomposity. Perennialist savants teach students to overcome all aspects of what is called the debilitating self, a major element of which is self-importance. Students are taught the proper procedures to preserve, store, and use spiritual and psychic energy. Initiates are taught to take strategic inventories of what they do--especially their non-essential behavioral patterns--to determine what can and should be forfeited to save and store energy. Stored energy is used to transform oneself.
It's first necessary to identify with our Higher Self and develop a moment-to-moment awareness of what's happening in our personal energy fields and the energy networks affecting us. We learn to notice how we feel around certain people and in certain situations, for example whether we feel energized or enervated. Power struggles are about "stealing" each other's energy. If you feel "drained" after having been with a specific person, you're probably "losing energy" to the person.
We develop the ability to observe our emotions and thoughts as they occur. If we come in contact with a person or idea--face to face or while watching televison--that regularly "pushes our buttons," we must learn to control our energy field so unconscious reactions don't wreak havoc in our emotional life.
The Universe and everything in it constitutes God. The universe is a gigantic human organism and man is a tiny image of it, a toy replica of God. A man can mystically expand extend his own being to cover the entire world and subject to its will.
Countless centuries ago, when Greece was considered the epitome of philosophy and civilisation 'Gnothe Seuton' were inscribed in large letters over the entrance to the Athenian Temple. This literally means 'Know Thyself'.
This is first step towards controlling your destiny. The power of thought is possibly the greatest gift given to man. Miracles can be performed by the sheer power of thought alone. A powerful and decisive thought can change your life.
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